Medill on the Hill


Political Reporter- Fall 2016


I was selected for Northwestern University’s Medill on the Hill program during fall 2016, in which we wrote breaking news centered around politics and the 2016 Presidential Campaign for Medill News Service. My tasks included reporting, writing, video editing, photography, social media breaking news, and more in Washington DC and in Las Vegas, where I covered the final Presidential Debate.

Some of my favorite stories included a piece on sexual assault and a story of land returned to Native Americans of the Blackfoot Nation. I also wrote pieces on American nationalism as a response to immigrants, the racial income gap in DC, the first woman of color elected to house leadership, Mexico’s response to a potential Trump presidency, millenial responses to the first presidential debate, and how social media influenced the response to the Pulse shooting in Orlando, several of which were reported in conjunction with other news organizations, such as PRI.

Below are some of the videos that our team produced while we were in Las Vegas covering the final debate. We reported on a Trump rally, a Clinton rally, and young voter responses after the presidential debate. All the photos below were shot by me at the rallies and in the spin room post-debate.